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Season 3 - Episode 13:
Creating a YouTube Sensation with Julie Nolke

Creating a YouTube Sensation with Julie Nolke

Episode Summary

Chances are, if you were online in April 2020 (and who wasnā€™t?), you saw Julie Nolke go viral by chatting with her past self about the early days of pandemic life. Her smart and saucy take on the yearā€™s biggest news went stratospheric in her sixth year of YouTube work. Julie is a writer, actor, and creator who posts her own videos, and partners with others to create their online content. On this weekā€™s episode, we talk to her about how she became a YouTube all-star.

Episode Notes

Guest- Julie Nolkeā€œThereā€™s no one path to success, and thatā€™s what’s really exciting.ā€ If youā€™ve ever watched a YouTube video from a dedicated content creator and wondered exactly how they got there, youā€™re not alone. Julie Nolke is one such creatorā€”a theatre school graduate who hustled at her day job and originally used her YouTube channel as a workshop space. Sheā€™s committed six years to her channel, doing everything from the acting and writing to the editing and ad selection. Her journey to viral stardom includes a variety of partnerships, plenty of diverse income streams, and a lot of scrappiness.Ā On this weekā€™s episode, we talk to Julie about why content creators should focus less on fancy gear set-ups and more on emotional resonance, how she partners with outside brands, and why creator-driven platforms like YouTube can help skirt the traditional gatekeepers in creative industries. Nolke, who was named one of YouTubeā€™s Top Breakout Canadian Creators in 2020, has maintained her distinct POV as the view count ticks up.Join the conversation on Facebook in our #imakealiving group, where you can chat about challenges, find resources for success, and stay connected with other entrepreneursĀ