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3 Best Accounting Tools for Small Business

3 Best Accounting Tools for Small Business

When it comes to running a small business, you need all the help you can get. That’s why accounting tools are an important part of your toolkit. Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for years, there are many good reasons to have good accounting software. You should also be aware of what makes a great accounting tool and how best to use them.

This article will discuss accounting tools for small businesses in depth. You’ll learn what the tools are used for, how to use them and more.

Here’s What We’ll Cover:

What Are Accounting Tools Used For?

Why Do Small Businesses Need Accounting Tools?

How Do You Use Accounting Tools?

How To Choose the Best Accounting Tool for Your Business

Top 3 Best Accounting Tools for Small Businesses

Key Takeaways

What Are Accounting Tools Used For?

Accounting tools help you complete the tasks associated with accounting and bookkeeping. This can be anything from doing your taxes on time, to keeping track of expenses and inventory. It can also help with organizing contracts and bills. Accounting software for small businesses offers a number of benefits. These include:

  • Keeping Your Books on Track. It’s easy to lose track of money when you’re juggling multiple projects. Accounting tools help you keep track of all your expenses, income and invoices without having to run down the hall every time the phone rings. It also helps with bank reconciliations and expense management.
  • Gain Visibility into Your Financial Health. Having an overview of your business finances has many benefits. It helps you spot potential issues before they become major problems. They can also help you find ways to grow your business. You can see how profitable your individual projects are and come up with ways to improve them.
  • Allocate Resources Effectively. Accounting tools help you determine which areas of your business need more attention. This is based on the numbers you’re seeing in your reports. This allows you to free up time for the more productive areas of your business. It can also be great for time tracking.
  • Protect Your Company’s Finances. You can also use accounting software to help you protect the financial health of your company. It allows you to keep all of your important documents in one place. This makes it easy to store backups. It can even be used as evidence if your company ends up in an audit.

Why Do Small Businesses Need Accounting Tools?

Accounting tools are important for small businesses because they give you a bird’s eye view of your business. You can see exactly how well each part is doing and make decisions based on the information. Knowing which customers are bringing in the most money allows you to put more effort into promoting those products or services. This means that you maximize every dollar that comes into your company.

Keeping track of your company’s finances can also protect it. You can detect any financial problems before they spiral out of control. This helps you hire the right people for the job and give them more attention. Your accounting tools will work hard to help you increase your revenue, so you can stay in business.

Accounting tools are also crucial when tax time comes. Your accountant can’t do his job without all of the information you need. That includes everything from invoices and receipts to bank statements and your company’s agreements. Accounting tools will link your bank accounts so this is all kept up to date automatically.

How Do You Use Accounting Tools?

Accounting tools work best when they’re used on a daily basis. Their automated features free up time for you to focus on important tasks. You can also use their real-time reports to make changes as you see fit.

For instance, it can track your accounts payable and accounts receivable. If a customer has been slow to pay, you can contact them and let them know that they need to pick up the pace. If your cash flow is getting tight, you may want to scale back on certain projects and focus on others. Either way, you’ll be able to make those decisions based on information from your accounting software.

Most accounting tools are now online. You can access them anytime from any device. You don’t have to use a computer, either. Your tools may offer mobile apps that you can use on your phone or tablet. This makes it easy to keep up with your business even when you aren’t in the office.

How To Choose the Best Accounting Tool for Your Business

Choosing the best tool for your business can be tricky. There are a number of important factors to consider. Here are some important factors to keep in mind as you shop for new tools.

What do you hope to achieve by using an accounting tool?

You need to have a clear idea of what you’re trying to accomplish before you start looking for the right product. Are you looking for a specific accounting feature or accounting concepts? Are you trying to increase revenue, reduce operating expenses or something else? Knowing this answer will help ensure that your tools are working within those parameters.

How much does the tool cost?

Most accounting tools offer a free trial period. This allows you to try them out and see if they work for you. However, many require a monthly fee after the trial ends. You need to know how much those costs will add up over time. That way, you’ll know which tools are within your company’s budget.

What kind of customer support can you expect?

When you run into problems with your tools, it will be crucial to have quick access to help. These days, most companies focus on giving customers self-service options. However, some offer live chat or phone support as well. Knowing what kind of support is available can help you stay up and running.

Top 3 Best Accounting Tools for Small Businesses

With all of that said, let’s discuss some of the best tools available for small businesses today.


A great tool that small business owners can use is FreshBooks. It features a powerful online interface that makes it easy to keep track of projects and expenses. This allows you to avoid messy paperwork and stay on top of your schedule at all times. You can also get instant access to your financial reports.

You can compare your accessible data with the previous month, quarter or year in just minutes. You’ll also get easy-to-read charts that show you exactly where you stand right now. It also shows how far you’ve come since the beginning of the year.

FreshBooks offers both monthly and annual subscriptions. It’s compatible with both Windows and Apple products. It also works well on most smartphones and tablets. It comes with unlimited access to their team of experts for help when you need it. You can start your free trial today.


Quickbooks is a popular accounting tool for any small business owner. It allows you to manage your company’s finances from any place with internet access. You can even work on the go with Quickbooks mobile app . This makes it easy to handle your business from anywhere, at any time of day or night.

You can set up detailed budgets and track your expenses. You can even set the system to send you reminders when bills are due or deposits are needed. This can help keep your cash flow on track and avoid late payments.

It also offers customizable reports that include everything from sales history to inventory levels across multiple locations. This allows you to see where you stand, so you know which areas to focus on.

The software is compatible with both Mac and Windows computers, as well as most mobile devices. It’s also just as secure as you need it to be. You can protect your data with a password or give employees access only when they need it.

Quickbooks has helped small business owners succeed for more than 30 years, and it’s still the leader in accounting tools.

Wave Accounting

Sometimes, the best accounting tools for small businesses entail no software at all. Wave’s free online accounting platform is a great alternative that offers many similar features.

It’s a cloud-based system that allows you to run your business from anywhere with internet access. You can track expenses, create budgets and get detailed financial reports in real time. All of this is available for free. This makes it the perfect alternative option when you need a less sophisticated accounting tool.

The system is easy to navigate, making it simple for owners and staff to use. They can easily manage their own accounts without assistance from an accountant. This makes it ideal for small businesses that need to stay on a strict budget.

Key Takeaways 

This article has discussed the best accounting tools for small businesses. It’s important to be aware of what you’re looking for in an accounting tool. Your decision should ultimately hinge on the needs and wants of your business. Whichever software or service is right depends largely on how much information you need to track. You should also consider if you need online or offline access. Lastly, it’s important to keep in mind who will be using your software.

This article discusses a lot of information about accounting tools for small business owners. Hopefully this cleared up all of the questions you had.

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