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Freelance Writer Invoice Templates

Copywriting, editing and proofreading, research writing—whatever your freelance writing specialty is, freelance writing invoice templates make it quick and easy to bill for every job.

Download the Freelance Writer Invoice Template 

A freelance writer invoice template is a professional, customizable way to bill for your writing. Simply download, fill, and send.

Choose a template

Freelance Writer Invoice Template

From article and blog writing to novels and creative writing services, freelance writer invoice templates make it easy to bill by word or by project.

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Microsoft Excel icon Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word icon Microsoft Word Google Doc icon Google Doc Google Sheets icon Google Sheets PDF icon PDF

Freelance Invoice Template

With customizable sections for services such as writing, graphic designing, web development, and much more, freelance invoice templates help you create professional invoices in minutes.

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Microsoft Excel icon Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word icon Microsoft Word Google Doc icon Google Doc Google Sheets icon Google Sheets PDF icon PDF

Hourly Invoice Template

When you offer freelance writing services by the hour, an hourly invoice template makes it easy and efficient to bill for your time.

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Microsoft Excel icon Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word icon Microsoft Word Google Doc icon Google Doc Google Sheets icon Google Sheets PDF icon PDF

Graphic Design Invoice Template

Bill for everything from designing logos to creating website branding with versatile graphic design invoice templates that you can tailor to any job.

Download Template

Microsoft Excel icon Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word icon Microsoft Word Google Doc icon Google Doc Google Sheets icon Google Sheets PDF icon PDF

Self-Employed Invoice Template

As a freelancer, you’re in charge of managing every aspect of your business—save time on the accounting with a self-employed invoice template.

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Microsoft Excel icon Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word icon Microsoft Word Google Doc icon Google Doc Google Sheets icon Google Sheets PDF icon PDF

Freelance Designer Invoice Template

Whether you focus solely on design or use design to accompany your writing, freelance designer invoice templates are flexible to bill for all your services rendered.

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Microsoft Excel icon Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word icon Microsoft Word Google Doc icon Google Doc Google Sheets icon Google Sheets PDF icon PDF

Free Invoice Generator

Create your next freelance writing invoice templates online with the Free Invoice Generator. Skip the download and choose a free template, then customize and send professional invoices—all conveniently online.

FreshBooks Invoice Generator

Drag your logo here, or select a file

Bill From:

Your Company Name
Company Email
Street Address
Zip Code

Bill To:

Street Address
Zip Code

Invoice Number:



Amount Due (USD)


DescriptionRateQtyLine Total
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Amount Due (USD)$0.00

More Invoice Templates by Industry

Freelance writing can involve working with a wide variety of industries and professionals, from creating marketing materials to writing scripts for video production. Explore the following templates to find specialized invoice templates for industries related to your work.

Find even more templates for various industries on our invoice template page. Browse free professional invoice templates by file format and industry tailored to your needs.

Artist Invoice Template

Painting, photography, artistic reviews—bill for all your creative services with a flexible artist template that you can customize to any job.

More Artist Invoice Template

Video Production Invoice Template

From creative film scripts to marketing videos and advertising copy, bill for your freelance work with video production invoice templates.

More Video Production Invoice Template

Interior Design Invoice Template

Create beautiful home decor or refresh corporate interiors, then bill for all your services with flexible interior design invoice templates.

More Interior Design Invoice Template

DJ Invoice Template

Create professional invoices for club sets and private events with customizable DJ invoice templates that you can tailor to any gig.

 More DJ Invoice Template

Marketing Invoice Template

When your content creation is advertising-oriented, try a marketing invoice template for an efficient, professional way to bill clients.

More Marketing Invoice Template

Commission Invoice Template

From film scripts to marketing copy, ensure you receive a fair commission on your writing with commission invoice templates.

More Commission Invoice Template

Musician Invoice Template

Whether you write, compose, or play, musician invoice templates help you bill for all the music services you provide.

More Musician Invoice Template

Photography Invoice Template

Headshots, product photography, artistic shots—create invoices for all your photography work with a flexible photography invoice template.

More Photography Invoice Template

Web Design Invoice Template

Offer a full range of web design services and freelance writing copy, then bill with comprehensive web design invoice templates.

More Web Design Invoice Template

Freelance Writer Invoice Template vs. FreshBooks 

Streamline your invoicing process with freelance writer invoice templates, then discover even more ways FreshBooks can help grow your business with FreshBooks all-in-once invoicing software:

Freelance Writer Invoice Template




Freelance Writer Invoice Templates

Flexible invoice templates

Printable formats

Email invoices at no cost

Accept payments on invoices

Schedule invoices

Automate payment reminders and late fees

Manage paid and outstanding invoices

Set up deposits for projects

Add discounts and credits to invoices

Automate recurring subscription invoices

Create and send invoices via mobile devices

Access your invoices FOREVER on the cloud 🔥

Sign up for a free FreshBooks trial today

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Freelance Writing 101: Helpful Resource for Your Freelance Writing Business    

A free invoice template by FreshBooks helps make your invoicing system more efficient, but there’s so much more FreshBooks has to offer freelance writers. Explore resources about starting your own copywriting business, staying organized as a freelancer, and growing your writing career with freelance writing articles:

How to Start a Copywriting Business | Freelance Writer's Career Guide

How to Start a Copywriting Business | Freelance Writer’s Career Guide

Bookkeeping For Freelancers: A Beginner’s Guide

Bookkeeping for Freelancers: A Beginner’s Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have to put an address on the invoice?

Yes, you need to include an address on any invoice you send. Freelance writer invoice templates by FreshBooks include fillable fields for all important information, including billing address and invoice issue date, so all you have to do is download, fill in your information, and send.

Can I invoice for revisions on freelance writer projects?

Yes, you can generally invoice freelance writing clients for revisions on freelance writer projects. It’s important to discuss this in the initial contract—some writers choose to include a certain amount of revisions in the original price, while others bill separately for any revisions that the client requests.

Should I include taxes in my freelance writer invoice?

If your freelance writing business is registered to collect taxes, then you should include taxes on your invoice. A writing invoice template from FreshBooks includes sections for cost amendments like taxes, so it’s quick and easy to itemize your invoice and show the total price.

Should I include terms and conditions in my freelance writer invoice?

Yes, it’s important to include terms and conditions like payment terms and payment methods on your freelance writing invoices. A freelance writing invoice template from FreshBooks makes it easy to customize your invoice so you can add personal notes as well as standard terms and conditions.

How do freelance writers accept payments for invoices?

There are a number of ways of requesting payment for freelance writing work, but the most common choices are credit, online payment, debit, and e-transfer. FreshBooks invoicing software lets you send an invoice link and accept payments online, making it quicker and easier for clients to pay for your work.


553 HRS


$ 7000




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