7 Business Etiquette Basic Rules You Should Know

Etiquette and manners are important in all facets of life. From a young age, most people are taught basic dining etiquette. Manners and etiquette should pass from your personal life into your professional life. However, there are rules of business etiquette that you may not be aware of at first. If you’re in need of a business etiquette crash course, look no further! We’ve got all the basics and more covered here!
Here’s What We’ll Cover:
7 Business Etiquette Basic Rules
What is Business Etiquette?
If you’re new to business, you may come across a business situation or two that you’re unfamiliar with. Some situations, like business meetings, come with specific rules. These rules aren’t written down anywhere. Rather, they’re learned through interactions in the business world. These business-specific manners are known as business etiquette, and they’re very important to abide by.

7 Business Etiquette Basic Rules
No matter what scenario you find yourself in, these rules need to be followed in the business world. Always keep them handy when in a professional setting.
1. Keep Your Mobile Phone Silent
Everyone has a mobile phone these days. They’re notorious for being time wasters and distractions, especially in the workplace. The first rule you need to follow in the business world is keeping your cell phone silent. In addition to being silent, it should be kept out of the way, especially while working. There are few exceptions to this. If you’re working in an office, phone calls should be done on the office phones. Cell phones should be used as a last resort, and should only be out in emergencies. Don’t ruin your reputation by keeping your cell phone out and on all the time.
2. Speak with Eye Contact and Body Language
When in a professional setting, eye contact and body language make a big difference. Be sure to keep neutral body language. Speaking with your arms folded across your chest makes you come off as standoffish. Not making eye contact can be considered disrespectful in certain situations. Be confident, and maintain professional communication through appropriate eye contact and body language.
3. Follow Email Etiquette Rules
One of the primary forms of communication in business is email. As such, knowing how to follow basic email etiquette is a large part of business etiquette. Emails should have proper introductions, punctuation, and spelling. Obscene language should be avoided, and emails should only be sent for business purposes. Use your most commonly used form of communication properly. Otherwise, you’ll have a hard time communicating with colleagues and professionals.
4. Don’t Engage in Water Cooler Culture
We’ve all seen it in media and entertainment. A group of employees spends their time standing around the water cooler. Most of the time they’re gossiping or doing everything they can to avoid work. Don’t be that person. Keep your personal life out of the office, and maintain a professional appearance among coworkers. Socialization in the workplace is encouraged, yes, but it should be done in an appropriate manner.
5. Keep Your Office Space Clean
One of the most frustrating things you can contribute to an office is a messy workspace. A cluttered workspace can lead to funny smells, general clutter, and lost work. Keeping your desk decluttered can help keep your coworkers happy, and it can improve your performance. Be sure to be clean.

6. Use Your Basic Manners
Basic manners should be carried over into office life. When asking for something, say “Please.” When someone helps you, thank them. Using common courtesy can create strong relationships in the workplace. It’s also just the kind thing to do. Use your everyday manners with the people you see every day.
7. Be On Time
Time management is one of the basic requirements in an office space. This doesn’t just apply to arriving at work on time, though. It means showing up for meetings on time. It means completing projects on time. Time management is tied to everything in the workplace. The old saying goes, “Time is money.” As such, sticking to time-sensitive projects and a schedule is one of the ways that you can show respect for your coworkers and colleagues.
Key Takeaways
Business etiquette, for the most part, is centred around common courtesy. Many of the everyday manners that you use should be applied to the workplace. By adhering to workplace etiquette rules you can make the office a more pleasant place for everyone. You can also improve your image and impress your colleagues. If you want more helpful info like this, be sure to check out our resource hub! We’ve got plenty of business insight that can help you in your professional life.