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Freelance Invoice Templates

As a freelancer, getting paid for your work is essential. The freelance invoice template by FreshBooks makes billing easier, so you can spend your energy on freelance work instead of invoicing.

Download the Freelance Invoice Template

Many freelancers simplify life by downloading and filling in freelancer invoices from Freshbooks. These templates will save you time and increase your overall efficiency so you can focus on your freelance work and get paid promptly.

Choose a template

Freelance Invoice Template

Anybody who runs their own business or works independently can save time and stay better organized using digital invoice templates for freelancers.

Download Template

Microsoft Excel icon Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word icon Microsoft Word Google Doc icon Google Doc Google Sheets icon Google Sheets PDF icon PDF

Consulting Invoice Template

Using a customizable consulting invoice template, consultants from all industries can stay efficient while creating detailed invoices that cover billable hours, project milestones, or flat-rate projects.

Download Template

Microsoft Excel icon Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word icon Microsoft Word Google Doc icon Google Doc Google Sheets icon Google Sheets PDF icon PDF
Real Estate Invoice Template

Hourly Invoice Template

An hourly invoice template can help freelancers track the number of hours they spend on any other project for a client and add the appropriate tax rate if required so they are paid accordingly.

Download Template

Microsoft Excel icon Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word icon Microsoft Word Google Doc icon Google Doc Google Sheets icon Google Sheets PDF icon PDF
Template for Installation Company

Contractor Invoice Template

Independent contractors benefit from using a contractor invoice template, making a good first impression while ensuring all project details are accounted for, including materials, billable hours, and expenses.

Download Template

Microsoft Excel icon Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word icon Microsoft Word Google Doc icon Google Doc Google Sheets icon Google Sheets PDF icon PDF

Graphic Design Invoice Template

A graphic designer invoice template makes it easy for a graphic designer to send beautiful, customized invoices detailing payments for services rendered, project fees, and time spent on deliverables.

Download Template

Microsoft Excel icon Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word icon Microsoft Word Google Doc icon Google Doc Google Sheets icon Google Sheets PDF icon PDF

Free Invoice Generator

If you want to avoid downloading and editing an invoice template, FreshBooks offers an online free invoice generator that can help you create customized invoices online in just a few clicks.

FreshBooks Invoice Generator

Drag your logo here, or select a file

Bill From:

Your Company Name
Company Email
Street Address
Zip Code

Bill To:

Street Address
Zip Code

Invoice Number:



Amount Due (USD)


DescriptionRateQtyLine Total
Enter an item name
Describe this item


Amount Due (USD)$0.00

More Invoice Templates by Industry

Freelancers collaborate with a wide range of businesses. Discover our industry-specific, professional invoice templates below to streamline your invoicing process efficiently.

Still can’t find the perfect template? Check out our invoice template main page for a collection of industry-specific templates that suit your needs.

Artist Invoice Template

Freelance artists can bill for art supplies, hourly rates, time spent on a project, and more with customizable artist invoice templates. 

More Artist Invoice Template

Photography Invoice Template

You can tailor a photography invoice template to bill for location scouting as well as specialized equipment and time spent on editing.

More Photography Invoice Template

Interior Design Invoice Template

Good interior designers are hard to find. Make sure you’re paid correctly with a professional-looking interior design invoice template.

More Interior Design Invoice Template

Marketing Invoice Template

Create individual invoices for clients and add a personal touch with freelance marketing invoice templates to simplify billing.

 More Marketing Invoice Template

Freelance Designer Invoice Template

Make billing for freelance design work and consultation easy with freelance designer invoice templates that include breakdowns of hourly rates.

 More Freelance Designer Invoice Template

Web Design Invoice Template

Handle your next freelance web designing job with web design invoice templates to streamline your billing process.

 More Web Design Invoice Template

Actor Invoice Template

Transitioning from rehearsals to the spotlight, our free downloadable actor invoice templates simplify the billing process for performers like you.

 More Actor Invoice Template

Video Production Invoice Template

Find customizable video production invoice templates for pre-and-post production and billable videography hours that you can tailor to any job.

 More Video Production Invoice Template

Musician Invoice Template

Outline the costs for your music production, live performances, and more with a downloadable musician invoice template that’s made for freelance musicians.

 More Musician Invoice Template

DJ Invoice Template

From clubs and weddings to sound production and more, freelance DJ invoice templates make it easy to generate a professional DJ invoice in minutes.

 More DJ Invoice Template

Freelance Invoice Template vs. FreshBooks

Using a free, downloadable invoice template can be a simple way to send professional invoices to clients, but the FreshBooks invoicing software can do so much more. Here are the differences between our templates and FreshBooks Invoicing Software:

Freelance Invoice Template




Freelance Invoice Templates

Flexible invoice templates

Printable formats

Email invoices at no cost

Accept payments on invoices

Schedule invoices

Automate payment reminders and late fees

Manage paid and outstanding invoices

Set up deposits for projects

Add discounts and credits to invoices

Automate recurring subscription invoices

Create and send invoices via mobile devices

Access your invoices FOREVER on the cloud 🔥

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Freelance Invoicing 101: Helpful Resource for Your Business

At FreshBooks, we take pride in helping small companies and freelance business owners. That’s why we offer free invoice templates as well as informational resources and simple-to-use business tools. Check out the resources below to learn more about working as a freelancer.

The Ultimate Guide to Finding Freelance Work Online

The Ultimate Guide to Finding Freelance Work Online

What Is a Freelancer & How to Become One? Freelancing Guide

What Is a Freelancer & How to Become One? Freelancing Guide

Freelance Vs Self-Employed: What's the Difference?

Freelance vs. Self-Employed: What’s the Difference?

Bookkeeping For Freelancers: A Beginner’s Guide

Bookkeeping For Freelancers: A Beginner’s Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I send a freelance invoice via email?

Yes, sending a self-employed invoice via email is an acceptable business practice. This is the most efficient way to ensure your client receives your bill. Using the freelancer invoice template by FreshBooks, you can customize, download, and email professional-looking invoices to your clients in minutes.

Can I customize the freelance invoice template?

Yes, the FreshBooks freelance invoice template is completely customizable. You can add your own company logo, add and remove items as needed, and make sure that the line items include all the details, like billable hours, project materials, freelance services rendered, products delivered, sales tax, and notes.

Are there any legal requirements for a freelance invoice?

To ensure your freelance invoices can be considered a binding legal contract, you must include the business name, address, and contact details of yourself and your client, invoice date, an invoice number, a clearly itemized description of what you are charging for, the total amount due, payment terms, and other invoice details.

Is it necessary to include a payment deadline on my freelance invoice?

Although it is not mandatory, it is a good idea. FreshBooks makes it easy to create invoices that include a specific pay-by date to ensure that you are paid in a timely manner. You can also specify what actions will be taken if the payment deadline is not met, as you can begin to charge late fees to those client accounts.

Should I include late payment fees on my freelance invoice?

Yes, including a line outlining late payment fees will motivate all your clients to pay your invoice on time and allow you to legally begin charging accruing or flat fees once the due date has passed. FreshBooks templates offer an elegant invoice design that includes space for these calculations.


553 HRS


$ 7000




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