The Game of Life will ring true for many freelancers and business owners who experience the ups and downs of choosing the independent path.

Let’s play the Business Owner’s Game of Life!
The idea of quitting the cubicle and working for yourself holds allure for many. But no choice is 100% perfect. For freelancers and business owners, there are different kinds of challenges in store along the way.
The Game of Life for the Business Owner
Over the course of the time you run a business, you’ll experience peaks and valleys. Some challenges you’ll ace. Other times, you’ll wonder if you’ve made a mistake.
The good news? The challenging experiences in the Business Owner’s Game of Life are perfectly normal!
Our advice? When you’re going through something big in your life, don’t go asking even bigger questions. Deal with the challenge right in front of you and then move on. If you want to come back to the bigger questions later, that’s cool.
The really good news? The Business Owner’s Game of Life is also full of epic highs. Finding those first few clients, finding amazing mentors, taking your business to new heights…these are moments to be proud of.
What do you say? Let’s play!
Written by FreshBooks
Posted on May 10, 2011