FreshBooks Economy Reaches $1 Billion in Just Four Months [Infographic]

We spent a little time digging into the aggregate activity and usage across the FreshBooks economy to better understand the trends and needs of our users.

So far the data report proves what we’ve long suspected: There’s a thriving global network of freelancers, small business professionals ,and service providers—in short, you lovely people who are the underappreciated duct tape of the global economy.

So how big is this ball of duct tape? Well … as it turns out, $1 billion was invoiced worldwide using FreshBooks from January to early May of this year. In contrast, it took us until August to reach the same milestone last year.

FreshBooks Economy: Notable Points

Check out the infographic below and you’ll see we looked at activity based on country, and the findings are certainly thought-provoking. Here are some highlights—you can draw your own conclusions and interesting theories:

(All values are in US dollars.)

FreshBooks economy

about the author

Co-Founder, FreshBooks Mike is the co-founder of FreshBooks, the world’s #1 cloud accounting software for self-employed professionals. Built in 2003 after he accidentally saved over an invoice, Mike spent 3.5 years growing FreshBooks from his parent's basement. Since then, over 30 million people have used FreshBooks to save time billing, and invoice billions of dollars. A lover of the outdoors, Mike has been bitten so many times it’s rumored he’s the first human to have developed immunity to mosquitoes.

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