Find out why a Medium blog can be a great jumping-off point for your content.

Content is a great way to connect with your audience, build brand recognition and drive sales for your business. But the question is—where should you publish that content? And should you consider a Medium blog for business?
You could publish it on your website. But unless you already have an established content strategy (and a lot of traffic), it might not be the most effective method for getting your content out into the world and in front of potential customers.
That’s where Medium comes in. Let’s take a look at 7 reasons why a Medium blog for business can be a great jumping off point for your content. And a great way to drive serious results for your business:
Table of Contents
1. Medium Gives You Access to a Huge Audience
The first (and arguably most convincing) reason you should consider a Medium blog for business? The sheer size of the Medium audience.
By publishing your content on Medium, you’re exposing yourself to a huge potential audience. As of 2019, Medium was approaching a whopping 100 million readers per month. That kind of audience would be virtually impossible to drive to an independent content source, like a corporate blog. This is why so many businesses are building their content strategies around Medium (as opposed to blogging on their own websites).
Another way to measure Medium’s potential is by Alexa rating. Alexa ranks websites based on traffic and popularity. An Alexa rank of number one—which is currently held by Google—is the most popular, highly trafficked site on the web.
Medium currently has an Alexa rank of 91—which means that of the nearly 2 billion websites on the internet, Medium is in the top 100 in terms of traffic, views and popularity. That’s a lot of visitors. Not to mention a lot of potential readers for your content.
2. Medium Does the Work for You with Built-in SEO That Makes Your Content More Findable
If you want people to read your content, they have to be able to find it. And, in large part, their ability to find your content (and, in turn, your business) boils down to your search engine rankings.
Let’s say someone searches the term “how to design a website” on Google. The content that ranks on the first page for that term is going to get way more traffic than content that’s buried on page 3 or 5. So, when you rank better on the search engine results pages (SERPs), it’s easier for people to find your content. As a result, it’s easier for you to leverage your content to connect with potential customers.
But ranking in the SERPs isn’t easy. Not only do you need a strategy to optimize your content for search engines (known as search engine optimization—or SEO for short). But your website also needs a certain amount of authority. If your brand and/or website are fairly new, it’s going to be extremely difficult (if not impossible) to rank in Google searches.
Publishing your content on Medium solves that problem. Medium is a large, reputable website with solid SEO and a high level of authority. In fact, Medium’s domain authority, a score used to measure a website’s ability to rank in search engines, sits at 95. Since a perfect score is 100, content published on Medium tends to rank extremely well.
So by publishing your content on Medium, you can leverage its authority and SEO to push your content higher in the SERPs. All without the time and effort of building that authority and SEO strategy yourself.
3. Creating a Medium Blog for Business Is Easy—Regardless of Your Technical Skills
With most blogging platforms, there’s a pretty significant learning curve. This education can feel intimidating and overwhelming if you’re not particularly tech-savvy.
But you can get a Medium blog for business up and running pretty much immediately. It doesn’t matter how much of a tech novice you may be. All you have to do is fill out a few forms to create your publication, write your content and publish. No coding, designing or other tech skills required.
If you’re looking for a fast, easy and simple way to publish content, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better platform than Medium.
4. Medium Hashtags #work
Chances are, you’ve seen hashtags before—most likely on Twitter or Instagram. Adding a hashtag to a piece of content, whether that’s a tweet or a blog post, helps people more easily find that content. When someone clicks on the hashtag, they can search through all the relevant content marked with that hashtag.
But on Twitter and Instagram, hashtags don’t mean much. People use so many hashtags for a single piece of content—many of which are completely irrelevant—that it’s had a seriously negative impact on the hashtag system’s effectiveness.
Unlike Twitter and Instagram, hashtags on Medium (or tags, as they’re called on the platform) actually work.
Medium uses tags to categorize the content on their platform, just like Twitter and Instagram. But the reason tags on Medium are so much more effective than other platforms? Medium limits the number of tags per story to 5.
The tag limit prevents “spammy” accounts from tagging a post 100 times or using irrelevant tags to try to get in front of new readers. This creates an unparalleled user experience for readers and ensures that the content they’re reading is relevant and targeted. So when readers search a particular tag, they know they’ll be receiving great, focused content. And you know that by using a particular tag, you’ll get your content in front of the right readers.
5. Medium Allows You to Republish Existing Content—Including from Your Company Blog
One of the biggest objections businesses have to creating a Medium blog for business? Either they want to or are already publishing content on their own website.
And if that’s the case for you, good news. There’s no reason you can’t publish content on your own website and take advantage of blogging for your business on Medium.
Medium allows you to import content that’s already been published elsewhere. As long as you have permission to republish that content, which, if you’re just publishing content on your own website, shouldn’t be a problem. All you have to do is paste the URL of your original content, make any necessary edits or changes and click publish. Medium also automatically adds a canonical link that references the source material. So you don’t have to worry about any SEO penalties for your website or corporate blog.
Thanks to Medium’s import feature, you’re not sacrificing creating content for your own website. But you’re also getting yourself out and in front of new audiences on Medium. It’s a win-win situation!
6. A Medium Blog for Business Allows You to Establish Yourself as a Thought Leader
Thought leaders are people who are not only experts in their field, but take the time to share their expertise and elevate their industry. They also have their finger on the pulse of where their industry is and, more importantly, where their industry is heading—and then share that knowledge and insight with their followers.
Investing in creating the kind of content that elevates you to a thought leader has a variety of benefits, such as:
- Helping you establish authority
- Building relationships with customers and industry connections
- Driving leads and sales for your business
And the perfect place to establish yourself as a thought leader? Medium.
As mentioned, Medium has a much higher readership than most individual business blogs. So by publishing your best content on Medium, you’ll get more eyes on it—and the more people who see the value and expertise in your content, the more you’ll build a reputation as a thought leader in your space.
7. Medium Is Gaining a Reputation as a Go-to Content Platform for Small Businesses
Medium is quickly becoming the go-to platform for small businesses and thought leaders—not only to publish content, but to read content from other businesses and leaders in their space.
By launching a Medium blog for business, you’re putting yourself in good company. By publishing content, you’ll have the opportunity to get your business and ideas in front of other leaders and businesses in your space. And by engaging with other brands’ content, you can build your network—and learn a thing or two in the process.
Medium is becoming the place to be for thought leaders, small businesses and forward-thinking business content—and building a blog on the platform is a great way to learn, network and engage with the Medium community.
Consider Leveraging a Medium Blog for Business in Your Brand Content Strategy
Creating content is one of the most effective ways to connect with customers, build relationships and drive activity (whether that’s brand recognition and engagement, leads or sales) for your business.
And because Medium has so much to offer as a content platform—including phenomenal traffic, built-in SEO and a back end that even the most technically challenged business owners can master—it’s definitely something you should consider for your content strategy. It’s one of the most effective ways to get your content in front of more readers—and then convert those readers into customers.
Webinar: From Shoestring to Scaling: Improve Your Marketing Strategy on Any Budget
This post was updated in April 2020.
Written by Deanna deBara, Freelance Contributor
Posted on September 30, 2020