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Expense Details Report

The Expenses Report shows all the information involving your Expenses

Available Filters

Filter TypeNameFieldDescription
betweenstart_datedatecreated during or after the given date
betweenend_datedatecreated during or before the given date
Equalscurrency_codestringreports using the given currency as primary currency
Equalsgroup_bystringData returned is organized by the given argument. (parent_category, clients, vendor, author)
Equalsexclude_personalbooleantrue returns data without personal expenses included
Equalsinclude_projectbooleanInclude expenses assigned to Projects
Equalsclient_idintegerFilter by specific Client
EqualslocalestringLanguage to show on report

Field Descriptions

exclude_personalbooleantrue doesn’t return personal expenses
end_datedateWill only return invoices that were created before the given date
clientsobjectsubfields: clientid(s)
clientid(s)objectsubfields: language, userid, email, lname, fname, organization, id
languagestring2 letter string representing the primary language of the client
useridintduplicate value of the client’s id
emailstringthe email of the client
lnamestringlast name of the client
fnamestringfirst name of the client
organizationstringname of the organization the client is a part of
idintunique id for the client
download_tokenstringthe download token allows you to download the report into a csv file
vendorsobjectsubfields: vendorid
vendorid(s)stringthe name of the vendor
group_bystringThe category that you would like to group your data by
currency_codestringthree-letter currency code for invoice
authorsobjectsubfields: userid(s)
userid(s)objectsubfields: lname, fname, email, organization, userid
dataarrayholds majority of the numerical data that is returned
groupidstringunique id for the group
totalobjectsubfields: amount, code
amountstringthe amount of money that is owed or been paid
codestringthe currency that the amount is in
childrenarrayholds data about a sub expense
expensesarraystores Expense objects
vendoridstringthe unique id for the vendor
vendorstringThe name of the vendor
notesstringcustom notes about the expense
clientidintunique id for the client
taxPercent1stringthe percentage you are being taxed on
authoridstringid for the author
taxName1stringthe name of the first tax
taxName2stringthe name of the second tax
datedatethe date the expense took place
taxAmount2objectsubfields: amount, code
taxAmount1objectsubfields: amount, code
expenseidintuniqueid for the expense
taxPercent2stringthe percentage you are being taxed on
categoryidstringunique id for the category of the expense
start_datedatethe starting date for the expense report query
categoriesobjectsubfields: categoryid(s)
categoryid(s)objectsubfields: category, subcategory_name, categoryid
categorystringname of the category
subcategory_namestringname of the subcategory
categoryidintunique id for the category
company_namestringname of the company that the expenses are charged too

Get Expense Details


curl --location --request GET 'https://api.freshbooks.com/accounting/businesses/{business_uuid}/reports/expense_details' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer  <SET BEARER TOKEN>'

  "response": {
    "result": {
      "expense_details": {
        "company_name": "<company name>",
        "download_token": "<download token>",
        "start_date": "2023-01-01",
        "end_date": "2023-12-31",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "data": [
            "expenses": [
                "account_name": "",
                "amount": {
                  "amount": "115.00",
                  "code": "USD"
                "authorid": "1",
                "categoryid": "2640410",
                "clientid": "81553",
                "date": "2023-03-08",
                "expenseid": 644429,
                "imported_from_csv": false,
                "is_cogs": false,
                "modern_projectid": null,
                "notes": "expense w/ tax and client",
                "taxAmount1": {
                  "amount": "15.00",
                  "code": "USD"
                "taxAmount2": {
                  "amount": "0.00",
                  "code": "USD"
                "taxName1": "HST",
                "taxName2": null,
                "taxPercent1": "15",
                "taxPercent2": null,
                "vendor": "withClient",
                "vendorid": "b3aa10f59a43d062e6ec5f8353f8f075"
            "children": [],
            "groupid": "2640410",
            "total": {
              "amount": "115.00",
              "code": "USD"
            "expenses": [
                "account_name": "",
                "amount": {
                  "amount": "115.00",
                  "code": "USD"
                "authorid": "1",
                "categoryid": "2640418",
                "clientid": "0",
                "date": "2023-03-08",
                "expenseid": 644424,
                "imported_from_csv": false,
                "is_cogs": false,
                "modern_projectid": null,
                "notes": "expense w/ tax, no client",
                "taxAmount1": {
                  "amount": "15.00",
                  "code": "USD"
                "taxAmount2": {
                  "amount": "0.00",
                  "code": "USD"
                "taxName1": "HST",
                "taxName2": null,
                "taxPercent1": "15",
                "taxPercent2": null,
                "vendor": "NoClient",
                "vendorid": "d352980c03e945aa5e9eb990c67a3b98"
            "children": [],
            "groupid": "2640418",
            "total": {
              "amount": "115.00",
              "code": "USD"
        "authors": {
          "1": {
            "email": "<company email>",
            "fname": "<company fname>",
            "lname": "<company lname>",
            "organization": "",
            "userid": 1
        "categories": {
          "2640410": {
            "category": "Education and Training",
            "categoryid": 2640410,
            "is_cogs": false,
            "subcategory_name": "Education and Training (general)"
          "2640418": {
            "category": "Meals & Entertainment",
            "categoryid": 2640418,
            "is_cogs": false,
            "subcategory_name": "Meals & Entertainment (general)"
        "clients": {
          "0": {
            "email": "",
            "fname": "",
            "lname": "",
            "organization": "",
            "id": null,
            "language": null,
            "level": null,
            "role": null,
            "userid": null
          "81553": {
            "email": "<client email>",
            "fname": "<client fname>",
            "lname": "<client lname>",
            "organization": "<client organization>",
            "id": 81553,
            "language": null,
            "level": null,
            "role": null,
            "userid": 81553
        "modern_projects": {},
        "expense_refunds": [],
        "vendors": {
          "b3aa10f59a43d062e6ec5f8353f8f075": "withClient",
          "d352980c03e945aa5e9eb990c67a3b98": "NoClient"
        "summary": {
          "total_amount": {
            "amount": "230.00",
            "code": "USD"
          "total_expense_refund_amount": {
            "amount": "0.00",
            "code": "USD"
        "summary_only": false,
        "exclude_personal": false,
        "group_by": "category"

Example Searches with Expense Details

#Get Expense Details Between a Specific Range
curl --location --request GET 'https://api.freshbooks.com/accounting/account/<accountid>/reports/accounting/expense_details?start_date=2016-04-19&end_date=2017-07-25'

#Get Expense Details including expenses assigned to projects
curl --location --request GET 'https://api.freshbooks.com/accounting/businesses/{business_uuid}/reports/expense_details?start_date=2023-01-01&end_date=2023-12-31&group_by=parent_category&exclude_personal=false&currency_code=CAD&include_project=true' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer  <SET BEARER TOKEN>'

#Get Expense Details Excluding Personal Expenses
curl --location --request GET 'https://api.freshbooks.com/accounting/account/<accountid>/reports/accounting/expense_details?start_date=2016-04-19&exclude_personal=true&end_date=2017-09-17